Re: [-empyre-] coretext
Thanks for nothing Christina! Are you interested or are you producing
artist's books?
Warmest regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "cristina della_giustina" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 7:02 AM
Subject: Re: [-empyre-] coretext
> Thanks for the exquisite information!
> Yours
> Christina
> >Dear Cristina,
> >
> >I am sending you what you have asked me. However the tranlations into
> >English are mine and I do not know if they are correct. So that I am
> >sending the definitions in Portuguese too. I will look for the catalogue
> >where the definition by Marcio Doctors is. I am sure that I will find
> >the correct version of his definition in English. Marcio Doctor prefer
> >using the other name of the category artist's book, he calls them
> >book-object.
> >
> >"...livro-objeto é a configuração desse campo-outro que se constitui a
> >partir da diluição dos limites entre Literatura e Arte. Ou melhor é a
> >fundação de um território a partir dos vazios estabelecidos por cada uma
> >dessas formas de expressão."
> >
> >(DOCTORS, Marcio. Catálogo da Exposição Livro-Objeto / A fronteira dos
> >vazios. Rio de Janeiro, Centro Bultural Banco do Brasil, 1994.) / Please
> >wait for the correct English Version.
> >
> >"The importance of the artist's book, is just that in it, words, images
> >and
> >signs transform themselves in plastic organisms that are moved along the
> >pages in a variable, kinetic sequence, where the innovation, not only in
> >the form but also in the content is a result of the evolution ( starting
> >from Mallarmé until today) which have had that kind of expression,
> >the reader for a new look and a new relation with the printed page."
> > (Alex Hamburguer, 1994 - Translated into English by Regina Célia Pinto)
> >
> >"A importância do livro de artista ou livro-objeto, é que nele palavras,
> >imagens e signos se transformam em organismos plásticos que se movem ao
> >longo das páginas numa sequência variável, cinética, onde a inovação,
> >na forma como no conteúdo é um resultado da evolução ( a partir de
> >até os dias de hoje) pela qual vem passando esse meio de expressão,
> >desafiando o leitor para um novo olhar e uma nova relação com a página
> >impressa."
> >(Alex Hamburguer, 1994)
> >Alex Hamburguer is one of the indefatigable representatives of visual
> >sound poetry in Rio de Janeiro. Since years 80, the artist have argued
> >introduced in his poems here and abroad, the processes of literature in
> >today's world. He has been working mainly with the possibilities of the
> >tri-dimensional poetry. (
> > ,
> >
> >
> >He prepared this text you have liked to an exhibition about artist's book
> >curated when I was Art coordenator of a Book Store / Cultural Space here
> >Rio de Janeiro.
> >Yours,
> >
> >Regina
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